Meet the artist: Adam Richter
This month’s featured artist is RTP literary manager Adam Richter.
What is your role with Reading Theater Project?
A: I am the literary manager for the Reading Theater Project, and the host of “Reading Reading” on BCTV, a show that features short plays by local playwrights.
What is your theater background?
A: I’ve been a playwright off and on for more than 20 years — though off from 2002-2018. Since writing my first play for Reading Theater Project’s Five-Minute Fringe Festival, I’ve written more than 50 plays, ranging in time from 1 minute to two hours.
What are you working on now?
A: Rewriting some earlier drafts of shorter plays, with the goal of expanding them into full one-acts. The process is not as exciting as it sounds.
What is your favorite RTP project and why?
A: The 5-Minute Fringe Festival. It was my entry point for getting involved with Reading Theater Project, and the support from everyone — cast, crew, leadership, audience — was incredibly positive. I might not have pursued playwriting had not the director of my piece in my first festival asked, “What are you writing NEXT?”
The Fringe Festival is a terrific opportunity for new artists to discover the joy of creating new works and collaborating in a supportive community.
What do you enjoy about working with RTP?
A: I’ll narrow my answer down to two qualities: The collaborative nature of the organization and the willingness to experiment. I love how RTP is always looking for ways to challenge audiences, foster new works and support artists, particularly local artists. An organization like RTP did not exist in Reading when I grew up, so today’s community is much richer for having RTP around.
What is your dream theatrical gig?
A: A modest dream would be to see a production of a full-length play I wrote. A crazy dream would be to write a musical about Reading.