Meet the artist: David Nice
This month’s Reading Theater Project featured artist is Lancaster playwright David Nice, who has a short play in this year’s 5-Minute Fringe Festival.
What is your role with Reading Theater Project?
A: I am a playwright and RTP has produced a number of my short plays, plus some readings. I am a “delegate” to Lancaster County. 🙂
What is your theater background?
A: I did actually start my undergraduate years as a theater major, but I took a long detour in business and politics. I have returned to theater in the last 15 years or so.
What are you working on now?
A: I am trying to “fix” two full-length plays of mine – one is a family saga and the other is a rejuvenated project that tells the story of Charles Demuth (Lancaster artist) and William Carlos Williams (New Jersey poet).
What is your favorite RTP project and why?
A: Wow…hard question. I have enjoyed many RTP projects and events. My most recent favorite is Jody and Karyn Reppert doing my short play called “The House at 323 North 5th Street” – which is my most Reading-centric play of all time!
What do you enjoy about working with RTP?
A: That’s easy. The people of RTP are authentically nice and supportive. What a creative, funky crew. Theater, dance, music, art…I have enjoyed myself working with them.
What is your dream theatrical gig?
A: My theater fantasy would be a full, professional production of “Recounting” or “Thanksgiving with the Alegria Sisters” (my most “ready” full-lengths) in Reading, Lancaster, or Philly.